Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Pride Resisting the Fall

Mary's Song of Praise (Luke 1:46-55)
part three (v 51)

"God has scattered the proud in the thoughts of their hearts"

We proud, who believe we know better, who hold our own opinion so dear, who stand so tall with conviction, who are certain we know who God is and what God wants, and trust those voices on "our side". We are destined - over and over again, it seems - to be scattered in the thoughts of our hearts. God is the source of confusion here. ("There is a confusion that brings death, and a confusion that brings life.")

When we are proud and arrogant, we take ourselves very seriously, hold ourselves as more valuable, knowledgable and noble than others. We must be broken down in this. Our hearts must be disturbed, our thoughts upset, our certainty shaken, our self-importance crumbled - and this is not an easy or pleasant thing to bear. It is better, of course, to start it at one's own hand - approach and pray and open oneself to change. But it is inevitable, so the scripture attests, for all the proud, and for some it will be difficult indeed. For me, too....

I'd say I am more proud than most, but I wonder if that declaration of above-average suffering is itself a mark of pride, of thinking that I am somehow exceptional, if even in my sinning. Suffice it to say I am proud, and it is a struggle for me. I forego some honors, and yet I love honor and miss it when it passes me by. I lose some games, and yet I seem to lose my temper when I lose without my consent. I can be self-deprecating, but do not allow others to be so critical of me. These are ways I struggle with my pride.

Thankfully, I have been given good friends, who both accept me and are secure enough in our friendship to offer criticism. They honor me with their friendship, but do not let that honor stand too high, or make it exceptional - we all honor each other so. And I lose more games than I win, to be sure, and they love me regardless of my reactions, and invite me to play again. (And also my occasional victories are not made too much of, either.) We are all self-deprecating, but all in a context of love and ultimate respect. Whatever shortcomings I am reminded of, I am reminded of them in the context of a loving, enduring frienship. These close friends make me a better person. They are a more compassionate and slow hand of God, working with me mercifully, and investing in me some measure to work with them.

I must be open to the scattering of my thoughts - not hold too tightly to even my firmest convictions - and trust in a God of love that will restore my spirit and thoughts to right. I am already a changed person from who I was five years ago. But it would be prideful to think that I do not have more change awaiting me.



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